List #1

I need lists in my life. My notebooks and sketchbooks are filled with lists from over the years. I have a white erase board in my room that I create daily lists on and and lovely cloth-covered, light-teal looking notebook that has "Big Ideas" embossed in gold on the front (college-ruled of course), which I keep my ongoing list in. List #1 encompasses projects I've been working on and would like to finish. 

List #1:

  • Logo (Paid Freelance)
  • Playing Card Illustration Brand Development (Personal Project)
  • Hand Lettering skill development (Personal Goal)
  • Make further progress on my Motion Graphic 


A friend of mine hired me to create a logo for a nonprofit he would eventually like to start in Pensacola. Currently I cannot release the name so in the meantime I will be updating my progress on the logo without the involvement of the name in my design. I have the logo designed and am currently in the stage of developing the brand's color palette.

Playing Card Illustration Brand Development

About a year ago I had a portfolio review with a local and talented designer, Veronique Zayas, Hatchmark Studios. She gave me many suggestions about how to improve my portfolio and while I've done much of what she advised, one thing I have yet to do is establish the brand for my playing card illustrations and include it in my portfolio. When I worked on this project back in Graphic Design I, I had rules developing in my head involving the colors and patterns and it wasn't until Veronique suggested it that I realized I was creating a brand before I had learned about creating brands. So, at her suggestion, I would like to put together this brand and finish the illustrations of the royals in my card deck. 

Playing Card Illustrations

Hand Lettering Skill Development

Two skills I'd really like to develop are coding and hand lettering. Since I'm not trying to overwhelm myself, I will start with hand lettering. I've been doing a bit of practicing in my sketchbook and for my first sketch-to-computer practice I will be creating an image to go along with my first blog post, "And so, we begin." 

My Motion Graphic, The Seasons

Another project from my days in school that I would like to pick back up and complete is my motion graphic, The Seasons, and to eventually workshop a better name for the title. This animation is set to the tune of "Mr. Fox in the Fields" by Alexandre Desplat off of the Fantastic Mr. Fox soundtrack and is created with my drawings scanned in and digitally manipulated to move to the tune. Here is a link to this motion graphic at its current progress: 
The Seasons, in progress, 25 sec.


And so, we begin.

Here I am, about a year after I've graduated. I've spent the past year traveling, working at my local brewery, and thinking about what my next step would be. When I graduated, I told myself I wanted to take a year and just breathe. Immediately after high school, I spent six and a half years in college, nearly the whole time as a full-time student with a high demand serving job. My last year in school I took two classes, designed and planned an exit show, worked two internships, and continued working at my local brewery. So, once I graduated I took a break. I told myself I would still practice and grow my graphic design skills at home and while I have been doing some freelancing and personal project development, I have not accomplished as much as I would've liked to. Now, I'm ready to dive back in; ready to start my graphic design career and continue developing my skills along the way. 

And so, we begin.